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Houseboat vs Floating home

By May 7, 2024

By May 7, 2024

What’s the difference between a houseboat and a floating home? The simple answer is that one is a lot more like a boat and the other, a lot more like a home. But it is a nuanced answer:

Seattle Houseboat Seattle Floating home
Technical termFOWR (“flower”)Floating home
Looks likeA boatA home
Price$50k to $1m$500k to $6m
Size150 to 1,000 square feet500 to 3,500 square feet
Dock typeRecreational marinaDesignated floating home dock
Slip ownershipUsually rented or leasedUsually owned (co-op or condo)
Slip lease fee$500 to $1,500 a monthn/a
Liveabord feeVariesn/a
HOA duesn/a$0-$500 a month
Connection to dockTied to dock using mooring linesPermanent connection using arms or chains
Water supplyConnected to dock water via a garden hoseConnected to city water with a permanent connection
ElectricityShore power connection, typically 30 ampsConnected to Seattle City Light (100 to 200 amp panel)
SewerNot connected, will need to be pumped out 2-3x a monthConnected to Seattle Public Utilities (but usually via a dock pump)
GasPropane tankMany are connected to gas via Puget Sound Energy
DisconnectEasy to disconnect from the dockHard to disconnect from the dock
TowabilityEasy to towHard to tow
LendersSee our list of lendersSee our list of lenders
Fixed supply Yes, no new ones allowedYes, no new ones allowed

Examples of Seattle houseboats

Examples of Seattle floating homes

Want to learn more?

For houseboats, check out our Seattle houseboat guide.

For floating homes, check out our Seattle floating home guide.